Continuing a decade-long association with NASA’s Johnson Space Center Human Habitability Division & Langley Research Center, the mission of SEArch+ is to conceive, investigate, and produce innovative 'human-centered' designs which enable human beings to not only live, but thrive in space environments beyond Earth.
“The Lunar Lantern” aims to exceed the factors of safety for its inhabitants in support of mankind's first extended mission on the Moon’s surface.
Mars X-House is the fourth prize winner of the Phase 3 Level 1 NASA 3D-Printed Habitat Competition.

Mars Ice House

Mars Ice Home
Mars Ice Home is a project collaboration with NASA Langley Research Center on a feasibility study for a Martian ice habitat.
Mars Ice House is the winning proposal for NASA's Phase 1 Centennial Challenge for a 3D Printed Habitat on Mars.
Front Panel Geometry
Design and Development of the front panel geometry of the NASA rack system designed to house ECLSS life support hardware.
The Mars Transit Habitat is an academic project developed at Pratt Institute sponsored by NASA's xHab Grant.
New & Noteworthy

Christina Ciardullo represents SEArch at ESA Closed Habitats Forum in Laussane, Switzerland; Wins first prize sketch for Closed Habitat design